Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Wishlist

What can a person wish for? Hmmmm. That's a tough one. Ok here it goes. Let's play a little game of Aladdin and The Magic Lamp.

I rub the lamp and there appears a genie in its full fledged form. "How may I help you, My lord?" he asks me and all I can think of is one thing.

I say "Dear Genie I don't want anything else except perhaps you making it possible for me to travel the world. Can you do that for me because right now I have not even gone beyond my country. I want to see te world. I want to feast my eyes on the beauty of nature."

Travel is all I probably wish for because its something I haven't done a lot. But perhaps a day will come when I will have the time and the resources to put my plan of world tour into action. Having said that I'll leave you guys with a great song by Pearl Jam and their view on what a person can or cannot wish for in this world.

Instead of that for the time being I'll share with youy guys some of the places I wish to travel someday in my life.


  1. Its nice to know that you love to travel. I did not know that. Its another thing similar in us since I love to travel too. Well we have travelled to many places and had many adventures in Karachi :).I pray to God to grant you many opportunities to travel in future.

  2. I know right....It does eem that we have travelled some places in Karachi and I also hope that one day my dream of going on a world tour will become a reality. Keeping my fingers crossed.
