Today I would like to talk about a very interesting series of books written by the amazing author Anne McCaffrey.
These three books are set in the planet "Pern", they have imaginative characters from dragons and runner beast to a completely new species called the fire-lizard.
The whole point of these dragon series is to tell the reader how an ordinary person, animal or thing can move forward and make a name for themselves without being afraid of the injustice from the world.
The first two books "Dragonsong", and "Dragonsinger" focus on a young girl named Menolly. The main purpose of these two books is to let the reader know that there are many times when you face discrimination based on gender, race, orientation, interest etc. But what is important is for the person to move beyond all that and strive to succeed and finally let the world know that you are not a loser.
The author has hidden these subtle messages among dragons, fire-lizards, music, romance and anything else. All this makes sure that the reader is interested not only to read but also to learn something without it sounding preachy at all.
I recommend everyone of you to go for this series.
Not only will you love it because it is a fantasy bu trust me when I say this you will end up learning loads about life.
In case you are wondering Dragonsong is the first, Dragonsinger second and Dragondrums the third.