Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Irony of Eid

Salam everyone out there.

First of all I want to wish everyone a very happy eid and may all the blessings of Allah be with us.

Today I was sitting by mysaelf, pondering on my own how life can be so tough and yet so easy for us at the same time.

Let's take Eid for instance. At one end there are there are the extremely well-rich endowed Muslims. They have the resources, income and ability to enjoy as much as they want but still most of them seem almost bored with the concept of Eid.

Then there are those among us who are not so well established. They can't even afford to have 3 square meals everyday. And yet they enjoy an event like Eid as much as they can.

This is not only restricted to Eid. You can find this phenomenon everywhere be it Diwali, Christmas, Hannukah or whatever.

Has lfe become so important for us that we forgot how to enjoy these precious moments? Or have we just gotten bored?

Maybe its time for us to start thinking of sharing our happiness with those who can't enjoy life like we do.

Always remember, "Life is not what it IS but rather what you MAKE out of it."


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