Friday, January 29, 2010


A very common occurence for everyone of us out there is something that we like to do on a regualr basis. We try to put people in boxes. It doesn't matter what kind of a box it is we want to do it to make the processing of our mind simpler and so we do it.
Look at yourself and decide when you did this last time.
Box # 1:- When did you last think "Oh, she is a complete blonde. No sense at all"
Box # 2: Or "He is a complete nerd. Don't bother inviting him."
Box # 3: Or "She is freakishly tall. She must be a dominating person."
Box # 4: Or even further "She is of so and so race/belief. I can't be friends with them. They might convert me."
And the list is endless............
Oh, the horror of the exposure that we all have. We just don't want to jump out of our own skin and put ourselves in someone else's position before making any final opinions about them.
Is it really all that annoying to look at people and not pass judgements without even properly interacting with them. Will it waste so much of your time to first get to know someone before you start putting them into boxes?
And while we are on that subject is it really important to label people? Can we not make some extra effort and put our sensory mechanisms to test and try to process infomration in a rational manner? Is it really that difficult?
Ask yourself this the next time you judge someone:-
Is it really necessary? Is it something you would like to be done to you? And have you felt the intensity of that emotion? Because trust me it doesn't take long for these Boxes to convert themselves into full forms of prejudice and discrimination.